Everything YNTK about ANKWSF

Effectively use ANKWSF at work to show off your knowledge.

Vincent Le Quang


Work-life can be a challenge, especially when you are starting fresh in a new company. The first day, you might be given some leeway during your EO, and for the FWO, you will be forgiven for not knowing all the right procedures. After all, your FWO is all about absorbing knowledge, and getting used about the common CPP. But soon, you will realize that you need to show your level of KSA to be on par with your colleagues.

But this can prove to be difficult. Even if you have acquired excellent external knowledge, and even if you believe you are much smarter than your colleagues, you will end up looking like a Newb. The reason is simple, they all know how to use ANKWSF and you don’t. I don’t want to claim to be a SME, but I know enough of the subject to talk about it. I’ve seen others master the art of ASWT. Based on that, I think I am qualified to discuss about all the benefits you can rip by properly using ANWKSF.

Obviously, being ahead on your ANKWSF give you an advantage over someone who doesn’t have them. Even an expert in GK will not appear as smart as you are if they don’t master their ANKWSF. That’s because it no only shows your expertise but also your LOS in the company.

When see my colleagues ANKWSF proficiently, I can tell that they know something that I don’t. I always have to ask them, and feel embarrassed about my LOK. Of course, once I know it, it is no longer a problem, until they come up with their next ANKWSF and make me realize that I am so behind them in terms of IK regarding the company.

Those who properly use ANKWSF are always the first to get APP’ed by upper management, which might sometimes seem unfair but it is the reality. You might be smarter and more creative, but you can’t outsmart someone who clearly shows superior knowledge in ANKWSF.

So how do you get up to speed with ANKWSF when you clearly have no understanding on the WWH? Well, it’s simple. CUWYO!

That’s right! You don’t need to necessarily understand your colleagues ANKWSF if you can just come up with your own. It might be seem confusing to your peers at first, but don’t worry and keep using ANKWSF as if this was BAU. Eventually, they will get used to it, learn your ANKWSF and use them in every conversations, during meetings or even NWRC. Next time, during DSM, someone will mention your ANKWSF, leaving everyone confused. Surely, someone will dare to look like a Newb and ask what it is about. That’s when you can show off your knowledge and look smart in front of all your colleagues, simply by the fact that you know an ANKWSF and they don’t.

“That SOB, how did he actually know that ANKWSF before I did?”

That’s what they will think ITOH. You will particularly gain respect from NE who, early on, rely on ANKWSF to identify who has the most IK of the company. This is a great way to impress them!

So LMKWYT. Do you also have your own ANKWSF?And if so, please share them, or tell us stories about people who became SSOB by also using those Acronyms Nobody Knows What they Stands For.

